Apocalypse HOW?!

A scientist and a comedian discuss scientifically plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. Join neuroscientist Dr James Cooke (PhD, MSc, BA Oxon) and comedian Rory O'Keeffe ("may not be up to the task of real life" Fest ★★★★) as they embark on an informative journey through what James calls "Human Existential Risk" or what Rory calls “it all going to shit in a big way”.

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Friday Oct 05, 2018

CLIMATE CHANGE! The one we’ve been putting off because it’s too real. Recorded at the Edinburgh Fringe with SPECIAL GUEST Dr Matt Winning, environmental economist and comedian (http://www.mattwinning.com/). We talk to Matt about his show ‘Climate Strange’. SWITCH ENERGY PROVIDER! Here is Matt’s Bulb code: bulb.co.uk/refer/jett Cool Earth: http://coolearth.org/ #AFreeRide: http://afreeride.org/ The film 'Geostorm': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz8cjvKJLuw

Friday Aug 10, 2018

With Rory away in Edinburgh, we take a mini-break for August with a mini-sode about how to define an 'apocalypse', a 'doomsday', and a 'bonus episode'. Features an exciting announcement about the next few episodes AND some bonus bloopers.
Apocalypse How?! (@apocapod) is the podcast where a scientist and a comedian discuss plausible end-of-the-world scenarios.
SUBSCRIBE NOW! (before it's too late)

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018

We tackle the contentious ‘issue’ of overpopulation, covering Malthuss, Carrying Capacity, and Danny/Dani Dyer.
Plus some Birth Rate Maths in which Rory takes so long to work out how many babies are born per minute that we had to play that part sped up. And James introduces ‘Apopulate!’, the population guessing game that is bound to have its own TV series one day.
ENOUGH FOOD FOR EVERYONE IF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi38ZtG4NhM
DANNY DYER v PIERS MORGAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W77154J0-w
A MODEST PROPOSAL: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1080/1080-h/1080-h.htm
Apocalypse How?! is the podcast where on scientist and one comedian discuss end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW! (before it's too late).

Thursday Jul 12, 2018

Synthetic Biology can be dangerous, can be fun. Rory and James navigate the world of Genetic Modification, engineering pandemics, and Avocados.
Plus, as it’s such a scorching day, we record literally on top of the boat. Expect lovely birdsong, the occasional cyclist, and also a party boat that drives by at the end.
*Contains at least 3 World Cup references that are out of date and at least 3 Brexit that (sadly) aren’t.
Listen to some of the Nuclear War music mentioned HERE: spotify:user:james.cooke:playlist:67UOpN4LOqnQbwDxprGZng
23 and Me: https://www.23andme.com/en-gb/
Apocalypse How?! (@apocapod) is the podcast where a scientist and a comedian discuss plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW before it's too late.

Thursday Jul 05, 2018

The tables have turned! Rory, football enthusiast, explains recent World Cup events to James, who knows nothing about it. How will he fare in the party booth? A special 15 minute bonus in honour of it coming home.*
*recorded before the quarter-final stage so this could well look embarrassing soon
Apocalypse How?! is normally the podcast where one scientist and one comedian discuss scientifically plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE now for more episodes on that topic coming soon!

6: Trump! (Nuclear War)

Friday Jun 29, 2018

Friday Jun 29, 2018

Rory and James finally tackle an issue that, depressingly, is topical. We cover the historic (?) summit between Kim Jong-Un and Leader of the Free World, Donald Trump. Plus Fusion/Fission, Mutually Assured Destruction, Jeremy Corbyn, and Homer Simpson. And we discuss the ever brilliant film Dr Strangelove, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Apocalypse How?! Podcast.
BIZARRE MOOD VIDEO TRUMP PLAYED TO KIM JONG-UN: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYsaC2CADs0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYsaC2CADs0)
CORBYN REFUSING TO KILL MILLIONS: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU-ITKrCr0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU-ITKrCr0I)
Apocalypse How?! (@apocapod) is the podcast where a scientist and a comedian discuss plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW before it's too late.

5: No Wi-fi! (Giant Solar Flare)

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018

HERE COMES THE SUN! In episode 5 James and Rory chat Plasma, the failure of communications technology, and The Simpsons ‘Aurora Borealis’ meme.
Plus, we talk about the Netflix show ‘Doomsday Preppers’ and Rory is uninvited (sort of) from the ‘Party VR'.
Apocalypse How?! (@apocapod) is the podcast where a scientist and a comedian discuss plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW before it's too late.

Wednesday May 30, 2018

 ASTEROIDS! COMETS! JOANNA NEWSOM! It's all here in episode 4 of 'Apocalypse How?!'. Plus James tolerates Rory reading some horoscopes and fake asteroid movies.
Apocalypse How?! (@apocapod) is the podcast where a scientist and a comedian discuss plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW before it's too late.

Wednesday May 16, 2018

Help this episode go VIRAL! Viral? Geddit? Never mind. 
In the 3rd episode, we discuss the threat of Global Pandemics, the history of some hard-hitting diseases, and Rory tries to get James to talk about zombies.
Apocalypse How?! is the podcast where a scientist and a comedian discuss plausible end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW before it's too late.

Tuesday May 01, 2018

You know that game 'the floor is lava'? Well, it's not quite like that. James schools Rory on a potential explosive end in episode 2\. Plus the return of contrivedly-named features 'Apocu-late', 'Apo-culture' and a new feature 'Rory's Alternative'.

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